Famous Last Words
As has been said before, it's all about the timing.
I may have devised the most amazingly profound thoughts by which I wish to be remembered, but how can I know when to present them. If they are to be my own 'famous last words', then I would need to ensure that my time has come.
After all, it would be tragic if I waited until the very last moment before making my statement, only to expire before I get the chance.
Even more of a tragedy would be to come to that moment, make my great pronouncement, and then for my health to rally. Do I keep silence from then on, in the hope that I won't have too long to wait?
In literature, of course, it's fairly easy, for the plot is in the hands of the author.
This, Shakespeare can conclude with worthy epithets, such as:-
Hamlet - "The rest is silence'
Macbeth - "Lay on, McDuff, and
damn’d be him that first cries hold, enough"
Julius Caesar - "Et tu, Brute? Then fall,
Julius Caesar (alternative version) - "Infamy, infamy, they've all got it infamy!"
Romeo - "Thus, with a kiss, I die"
Perhaps this blog is going to become my own "famous last words". If so, the reader will understand that I will lean heavily on the songs which have accompanied me through these many years.
As Phil Collins sings, courtesy of Lennon and McCartney...
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